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April Game Commission Re-cap4/30/2020 The New Mexico State Game Commission held their first fully virtual meeting today. The agenda was rather routine which was probably the best way to begin the experiment of hosting a successful public meeting that is 100% virtual. If a member of the public wanted to provide comment during the meeting, they needed to pre-register with the Dept. so that the Dept. could facilitate participation on a virtual platform. The meeting went surprisingly well and our hats off to Lance Cherry (NMDGF Chief of Information & Education) for doing a great job managing all the technology ins and outs. FINAL HEARING ON AMENDMENTS TO THE HUNTING AND FISHING MANNER AND METHOD RULE The Department proposed and the Commission approved to delete Subsections DD and EE in the Hunting and Fishing Manner and Method Rule to prohibit licensed trappers and cougar hunters from using traps and foot snares to harvest cougars. The proposed deletion from the Manner and Method rule was necessary to align with the new Bear and Cougar Rule. In November 2019, the State Game Commission passed a new Bear and Cougar rule (which was effective April 1, 2020) which prohibits using traps or foot snares to harvest cougar. SUBSEQUENT DISCUSSION ON THE MIGRATORY BIRD RULE Dept. Wildlife Chief Stewart Liley provided a presentation on the Migratory Bird Rule. The rule is amended annually, ensuring compliance with Flyway recommendations and Federal guidelines. In New Mexico, season selections and bag limits are determined in conjunction with the Central and Pacific Flyways and the USFWS. The Dept. is considering making the following changes to the Migratory Bird Rule for the 2020-2021 season. If you would like to provide comment on this item please send an email to [email protected] Season selections and bag limits are determined in conjunction with the US Fish and Wildlife Service working through the Central and Pacific Flyway Councils. Please note that seasons are not considered final until they have been published in the Federal Register. Proposed amendments for the 2020–21 season include: • Changes to regular waterfowl season dates TBA, based on public comment and calendar dates • Possible changes to sandhill crane allocation, based on fall population data • Bag limit for northern pintail to remain at 1 per USFWS regulatory framework • Move youth crane hunt to November Proposed Central Flyway Seasons. Includes falconry, youth waterfowl days, and a 9-day September teal season. Species Ducks and Mergansers: North Zone Oct. 10- Jan. 13 South Zone Oct. 28- Jan. 31 Geese: Dark Geese MRGV Dec. 19- Jan. 31 Rest of State Oct. 17- Jan. 31 Light Geese North and South Oct. 17- Jan. 31 Proposed Pacific Flyway Seasons. Includes falconry and youth waterfowl days. Species Ducks and Mergansers: North and South Oct. 17- Jan. 31 Scaup North and South Oct. 17- Jan. 2 All Geese: North 1 Sept. 19- Oct North 2 Nov. 2- Jan. 31 South Oct. 17- Jan. 31 COMMISSION BUSINESS In an effort to increase transparency among the Commissioners Chairwoman Hickey proposed establishing several work groups to facilitate collaboration between department personnel, the Commission, and the public. The committees are to report on their efforts during each Commission Meeting. The definitions and overall intent of each of these committees is still a bit fuzzy, but we should learn more about their role during the Commission meeting in June. Committees are as follows: Finance Committee Commissioner Salazar-Henry – Chair, Members – Commissioner Bates & Commissioner Vesbach Customer & Stakeholder Committee Commissioner Cramer – Chair, Member – Commissioner Lopez Organizational Profile Committee Commissioner Soules – Chair, Members – Commissioner Salazar-Henry & Commissioner Cramer Hunt Structure Committee Commissioner Vesbach – Chair, Member – Commissioner Salazar-Henry & Commissioner Soules PUBLIC COMMENT The usual suspects provided public comment during the Commission meeting (Brandon Wynn, BCHA, & NMWF). They voiced the same tired comments that they always do; their general opposition to the stream access law and their numerous gripes relating to how the Dept. manages hunter opportunity. Next Commission Meeting – June 19th (Possibly Santa Fe – Possibly Virtual) COMMISSIONER CONTACT INFORMATION
(You are welcome and encouraged to contact the Commissioners any time to voice your opinion) Sharon Salazar Hickey - Chairwoman District 4: Santa Fe, Taos, Colfax, Union, Mora, Harding, Quay, San Miguel, Guadalupe and Torrance counties [email protected] Roberta Salazar-Henry – Vice Chairwoman District 2: Catron, Socorro, Grant, Hidalgo, Luna, Sierra and Doña Ana counties [email protected] Gail Cramer District 1: Curry, De Baca, Roosevelt, Chaves, Lincoln, Otero, Eddy and Lea counties [email protected] Jeremy Vesbach District 3: San Juan, McKinley, Cibola, Valencia, Sandoval, Los Alamos and Rio Arriba counties [email protected] Jimmy Bates District 5: Bernalillo county. [email protected] David Soules Appointed At-large – Conservation Position [email protected] Tirzio Lopez Appointed At-large [email protected]
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