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Game Commission Re-cap 8/22/198/29/2019 The NM State Game Commission held their most recent meeting last Thursday in Santa Fe at the State Capital building. The meeting was well attended, as is typical anytime an issue regarding a predator species is on the agenda.
Subsequent Discussion on the Bear and Cougar Rule PLEASE NOTE: The Dept. has specifically requested outfitter industry input regarding their proposal to change the start date of the bear season in Zones 10, 12, & 13. If you hunt bear, please provide either public comment to the Dept. email address below or simply reply to this email. The Dept. provided an updated presentation to the Commission on their proposed changes to the next 4-year cycle of the Bear and Cougar Rules. The Dept. has made a couple of changes to their proposal in response to their research as well as the public opinions that were voice at the recent public meetings. The Dept. is proposing the following changes to the Bear and Cougar Rule. This rule was being presented for discussion purposes only and will be approved at the Commissions September meeting. This rule is currently open for public comment. Please voice your opinion by sending an email to [email protected]. The Dept. plans to have the updated proposal including season dates and maps on their website to be reviewed in the next week. You can find the Dept.’s summary of their proposed changes HERE. BEAR
Initial Discussion on the Fair Chase Rule The Dept. provided a presentation on the development of a rule that deals with the idea of “Fair Chase”. The rule is in response to Senate legislation that was signed into law during the past legislative session. The legislation provides for a prohibition on the distribution of wildlife location data collected by the Dept. Basically the Dept. now has the ability to delay releasing collar or other location gathering data so as to prevent hunters or other public individuals from knowing exactly where wildlife are located at any given time. The rule would also withhold (temporarily) some of the Dept. aerial and ground survey data. This agenda item was presented to the Commission for discussion purposes only and will be addressed again at the next meeting. Initial Discussion on the Trapping and Furbearer Rule The Dept. provided a presentation on their proposed changes to the Trapping and Furbearer Rule. First and foremost, the Dept. is going to propose making this rule a 4-year rule which would open for every 4-year cycle just like the other big game rules. Wildlife Chief Stewart Liley provided a lengthy presentation on the current trapping rule, why trapping is a completely necessary part of wildlife management, how the NM trapping regulation compare to other states, and how trapping is the only method of take that is actually recognized and regulated internationally through a 1997 agreement made between the US and the EU. The Dept. is proposing the following:
Final Discussion on the Migratory Bird Rule The Department presented their final proposed changes to the Migratory Game Bird Rule. The changes being proposed were determined in conjunction with information from the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) as is a requirement of the Pacific Flyway Council. The proposed amendments are as follows:
The Commission voted unanimously to approve the Migratory Bird Rule. Odds, Ends, and Public Comment The Dept. also provided an update regarding the Laguna del Campo (Burns Lake) transfer to the Tierra Amarilla Land Grant Association as well as presented an application to establish the La Joya Farm Game Shooting Preserve. The Commission voted to approve the Dept.’s fiscal year 2021 budget requests and also approved a request by the Holy Pursuits Dream Foundation to become a “qualified non-profit wish granting organization” eligible to receive donated licenses or permits. During the general public comment segment of the meeting a large group of landowners from the Pecos Canyon area spoke in opposition of the Commission’s moratorium (which was passed at the last meeting) of the Landowner Certification of Non-navigable Waters Rule. Additionally, the assistant attorney general, who is required to be in attendance during Commission meetings, indicated to the Commission that it would likely be in the best interest of the Commission to not "enforce" the moratorium until the AG’s office has time to review the issue. Chairman Prukop alluded that a rescinding of the moratorium would require a formal Commission vote in accordance with the Open Meetings Act which will likely take place at a future meeting. Next Commission Meeting – September 18, 2019 (Cloudcroft, NM) COMMISSIONER CONTACT INFORMATION (You are encouraged to contact the Commissioners any time to voice your opinion) Joanna Prukop - Chairwoman District 4: Santa Fe, Taos, Colfax, Union, Mora, Harding, Quay, San Miguel, Guadalupe and Torrance counties. [email protected] Roberta Salazar-Henry – Vice Chairwoman District 2: Catron, Socorro, Grant, Hidalgo, Luna, Sierra and Doña Ana counties. [email protected] Gail Cramer District 1: Curry, De Baca, Roosevelt, Chaves, Lincoln, Otero, Eddy and Lea counties. [email protected] Jeremy Vesbach District 3: San Juan, McKinley, Cibola, Valencia, Sandoval, Los Alamos, Rio Arriba. counties [email protected] Jimmy Bates District 5: Bernalillo county. [email protected] David Soules Appointed At-large – Conservation Position [email protected] Tirzio Lopez Appointed At-large [email protected]
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