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April 20224/28/2022 The New Mexico State Game Commission hosted a meeting in Santa Fe on April 11th. Agenda items included the “subsequent discussion” for the Pronghorn, Javelina, Migratory Bird, and Bighorn Rules as well as the “initial discussion” for the Elk, Deer, Turkey, and Exotics Rule. Meaning, that public comment will be closing soon for the Rules in subsequent discussion and public comment has opened for the Rules in initial discussion. The Game Commission meetings that take place during 2022 are arguably the most important to the hunting industry. Policies approved for Rules opened in 2022 will apply to the next 4-year rule cycle. Please read the below recap carefully and voice your opinion by providing comment to the links provided in each segment…or forever hold your peace (at least for the next 4 years). The Dept. will be hosting the following public meetings regarding the Deer, Elk, and Exotics Rule:
SUBSEQUENT DISCUSSION BIGHORN SHEEP RULE The Dept. provided their subsequent presentation of proposed changes to the Bighorn Sheep Rule. You can read a copy of the full presentation HERE. This Rule is currently open for public comment. Please voice your opinion by sending an email to [email protected]. The Dept. is proposing the following changes to the Rule:
Even after the NM Attorney General wrote a detailed letter regarding the legality of the NMDGF allocation process which was followed by a failed commission vote to extend the public comment period; the Commission announced yesterday that they will host a special meeting to take place on May 9th (in Albuquerque) to further discuss the matter and revote to extend the public comment period. This fiasco is completely out of line with the typical rulemaking process established by the NM legislature. An extension of the comment period for bighorn sheep is unnecessary. According to the NMDGF presentation provided to the Commission on April 11th, the Dept. received only a handful of comments related to the allocation process and the bulk were in favor (only one was opposed). The bighorn sheep permit allocation process is widely accepted by the vast majority of resident hunters. There is no disputing that nonresident hunters fund over 90% of the Bighorn Sheep conservation program. This issue is a molehill which the NMWF and BHA are trying desperately to turn into a mountain. If you outfit bighorn sheep hunters or if you are a resident bighorn sheep hunter and appreciate the enormous contributions of nonresidents to the conservation of all species, please send an email to the below addresses TODAY! Tell the Commission you are in favor of the Dept.'s proposed allocation method for bighorn sheep permits and that there is no need to extend the public comment period. SUBSEQUENT DISCUSSION PRONGHORN RULE The Dept. provided their subsequent presentation of proposed changes to the Pronghorn Rule. You can read a copy of the full presentation HERE. This Rule is currently open for public comment. Please voice your opinion by sending an email to [email protected]. This exact proposal is what the Commission will approve in June UNLESS there is a substantial amount of public comment in opposition to any of the below bullet points. Some of you have already provided your public comment to NMCOG which we forwarded to NMDGF. However, our comments were counted as one single comment rather than multiple. It would be better if you all would be willing to resend your concerns directly to the comment portal linked above. The Dept. is proposing the following changes to the Rule:
SUBSEQUENT DISCUSSION JAVELINA RULE The Dept. provided their subsequent presentation of proposed changes to the Javelina Rule. You can read a copy of the full presentation HERE. This Rule is currently open for public comment. Please voice your opinion by sending an email to [email protected]. This exact proposal is what the Commission will approve in June UNLESS there is a substantial amount of public comment in opposition to any of the below bullet points. The Dept. is proposing the following changes to the Rule:
SUBSEQUENT DISCUSSION OF MIGRATORY BIRD RULE The Dept. provided their subsequent presentation of proposed changes to the Migratory Bird Rule. You can read a copy of the full presentation HERE. This Rule is currently open for public comment. Please voice your opinion by sending an email to [email protected]. This exact proposal is what the Commission will approve in June UNLESS there is a substantial amount of public comment in opposition to any of the below bullet points. The Dept. is proposing the following changes to the Rule:
INITIAL DISCUSSION TURKEY RULE & GOULD’S TURKEY DESLISTING The Dept. provided their initial presentation of proposed changes to the Turkey Rule. You can read a copy of the full presentation HERE. This Rule is currently open for public comment. The Dept. is proposing the following changes to the Rule:
July 12, 2022 (hybrid) – Albuquerque Game & Fish Office, 7816 Alamo Rd. NW, 6:30 pm July 13, 2022 (hybrid) – Las Cruces Game & Fish Office, 2715 E Northrise Dr., 6:30 pm July 14, 2022 (in-person only) – Animas High School, #1 Panther Blvd., 6:00 pm INITIAL DISCUSSION ELK RULE The Dept. provided their initial presentation of proposed changes to the Elk Rule. NMCOG encourages everyone who hunts elk to WATCH the Dept. presentation. The presentation begins at minute 12:48 and is approximately 1 hour in length. Yes, the video is long, but it is extremely informative for any outfitter who earns a livelihood selling elk hunts. This Rule is currently open for public comment. Please voice your opinion by sending an email to [email protected]. The Dept. is proposing the following changes to the Rule:
The Dept. provided their initial presentation of proposed changes to the Deer Rule. NMCOG encourages everyone who hunts deer to WATCH the Dept. presentation. The presentation begins at minute 1:29:50 and is approximately 10 minutes in length. This Rule is currently open for public comment. Please voice your opinion by sending an email to [email protected]. The Dept. is proposing the following changes to the Rule:
INITIAL DISCUSSION EXOTICS RULE The Dept. provided their initial presentation of proposed changes to the Exotics Rule. NMCOG encourages everyone who hunts exotics to WATCH the Dept. presentation. The presentation begins at minute 2:00:38 and is approximately 30 minutes in length. This Rule is currently open for public comment. Please voice your opinion by sending an email to [email protected]. The Dept. is proposing the following changes to the Rule: BARBARY SHEEP
MUZZLELOADER DISCUSSION The Dept. also initiated a conversation on the problem with muzzleloaders. Muzzleloader success rates in the last five years are equal to rifle success rates. This presents a major problem as muzzleloader hunts were historically designed for primitive weapon hunting. Today muzzleloaders are accurate out to 800yards. The Dept. is considering the removal of scopes on muzzleloaders to generate a more primitive weapon hunting experience. This proposal is not yet official but will be further discussed over the next several months. Next Commission Meeting – June 3, 2022 (Eagle Nest, NM)
COMMISSIONER CONTACT INFORMATION (You're encouraged to contact the Commissioners any time to voice your opinion) Sharon Salazar Hickey - Chairwoman District 4: Santa Fe, Taos, Colfax, Union, Mora, Harding, Quay, San Miguel, Guadalupe and Torrance counties [email protected] OPEN District 5: Bernalillo County Roberta Salazar-Henry District 2: Catron, Socorro, Grant, Hidalgo, Luna, Sierra and Doña Ana counties [email protected] Deanna Archuleta At - Large Position [email protected] Tirzio Lopez Appointed - Agriculture Position [email protected] OPEN District 3: San Juan, Rio Arriba, McKinley, Sandoval, Cibola, & Valencia counties OPEN District 1: Curry, De Baca, Roosevelt, Chaves, Lincoln, Otero, Eddy and Lea counties
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