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October Game Commission Re-Cap10/5/2018 The NM State Game Commission hosted their most recent meeting at their new Albuquerque office. The meeting began with the grand opening of the new office complex which is located just south of Paseo Del Norte and west of the river in a very nice location along the Rio Grande valley. The meeting was very short and focused mostly on the changes to the Manner and Method Rule. There was also an update on the Dept.’s legislatively directed stakeholder meetings regarding the Trapping Rule.
SUBSEQUENT DISCUSSION ON POTENTIAL CHANGES TO MANNER AND METHOD RULE The Dept. provided an update on their proposed changes to the Manner and Method Rule. The Rule has been open for public comment for the past month and according to the Dept. the public is supportive of most of the items being proposed. The Dept. received some public comments opposing the caliber restrictions as well as their proposal to allow shooting from the road. The Dept. received the most opposition to their proposal to extend the restrictions as it relates to “use of aircraft”. It should be noted that the opposition to the rule change did not come from the hunting industry but from the aviation industry. A high number of pilots attended the Commission meeting to voice their opposition to the wording in the rule indicating that the language was so vague it would create unintended consequences for recreational aviation. The Dept.’s final proposed changes to the rule will be posted to the public register next week and will likely be approved by the Commission at their November Commission meeting in Roswell. If you wish to voice your opinion on any of the following proposed changes, please email [email protected] before Oct. 18th. Proposed Rule Changes
SUBSEQUENT CHANGES TO THE REVOCATIONS RULE The Dept. gave an update on their proposed changes to the revocations rule. Most of the changes will help clean up the language and simplify the rule. The Dept. has not received any public comments regarding the proposal. The Dept.’s final proposed changes to the rule will be posted to the public register next week and will likely be approved by the Commission at their November Commission meeting in Roswell. If you wish to voice your opinion on any of the following proposed changes, please email [email protected] before Oct. 18th. Proposed Rule Changes
DISCUSSION OF POTENTIAL RULE CHANGES TO TRAPPING The Dept. provided a very short presentation regarding the results of an ongoing initiative to bring together “stakeholder groups” to discuss areas of agreement regarding trapping in NM. The stakeholder meetings were a result of a legislative request made back in 2017 by Senator Pete Campos to bring organizations from both sides of the issue together to discuss areas of middle ground. Apparently, the only area of middle ground that was discovered during the stakeholder meetings was to establish mandatory trapper education. Unsurprisingly this agenda item turned out several activists who used the public comment segment of the meeting to express their anti-trapping sentiment. NMCOG was not one of the organizations originally included in the stake holder meetings and thus is unaware of the discussions that have taken place between the groups over the past year. The Commission provided assurance that anything that was discussed in the stakeholder meetings has not yet led to any official request for rule changes. ODDS AND ENDS During the meeting the Commission also approved the Dept.’s depredation and nuisance abatement report, the revocation of licenses for individuals who had an excess of 20 violation points, and the Biennial Review of the State Listed and Endangered Species. The Dept. did not recommend any changes to their existing list of threatened and endangered species nor did they receive any public comments regarding the document. Special Commission Meeting November 8th, 2018 – Albuquerque, NM Regular Commission Meeting November 30th, 2018 – Roswell, NM
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